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Online Skype Hypnotherapy Sessions with Scott Kee, C.Ht.
Have your mind reprogrammed for success while you relax in the comfort of your own home! That's right! No matter where you are in the entire world, whether you are at home or at the office preparing for an important meeting, within minutes you can have a highly trained hypnotherapist right in front of you. You will be provided with private hypnotherapy sessions customized to meet your individual needs. This is the closest thing you can get to real in-office personal hypnotherapy sessions.
With our Certified Hypnotherapist Scott Kee you can expect outstanding self-improvement results. This is due to the way in which hypnotherapy is conducted. All sessions with Scott are conducted via computer-to-computer video calls. This allows you to see and hear him from your computer. How will this method benefit you as effectively as in-office sessions? Here's how:
You will be able to sit face-to-face with Scott and engage in a private, personal conversation.
When you are being hypnotized, changes in your physical appearance can be seen by Scott, providing clues as to how deep you are in hypnosis.
Visual cues, like lifting your index finger, allow you to communicate with Scott non-verbally while you are hypnotized, so you can maintain deep levels of hypnosis.
Scott’s voice will stream across the internet directly into your ears just like experiencing his voice in person.
Abreactions while in hypnosis can be seen by Scott , allowing the hypnotic induction to be altered for your safety.
Visit this link to our Contact Page and fill out the form to e-mail Scott, or call Scott at 951-501-9325 for a free consultation.
There are many advantages to computer-to-computer video hypnosis sessions over traditional in-office sessions. If you are uncomfortable with physical touch or intimate personal conversation, you can feel at ease knowing your session is being conducted from a distance. You avoid the expense and time of commuting to Scott's office. In fact, you don't have to live anywhere near his office. You can live clear across the globe and Scott will still be as accessible to you as his next-door neighbor. As long as you have the following list of items, you can enjoy hypnosis with Scott from anywhere in the world.
What you will need:
Desktop computer, laptop, or tablet.
Access to the Internet with sufficient speed to support Skype video calls.
Free Skype account
Web camera (WebCam)
A headset w/microphone or a microphone and speakers
Comfortable and quiet place to relax
How do I schedule a private online Skype hypnotherapy session with Scott Kee?
You can contact Scott to schedule your Skype hypnosis session by:
Calling him at 951-501-9325 for a free consultation and schedule your Skype hypnotherapy session with him then, or by visiting this link to our Contact Page and filling out our contact form which will be e-mailed to Scott for review. He will respond to your request promptly.
What is Skype?
Skype is how Scott will communicate with you via the Internet. Skype is a leading on-line Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system provider. What this means is that people can conduct video calls from Skype's website. And it's easy too! It's FREE for anyone to sign up for a Skype account and all video calls placed between Skype users are FREE.
What if I don’t have a Skype account?
Don’t worry, Skype is easy to install. Just click on this FREE Skype account link to sign up for your FREE Skype account. When you first arrive on the website, click the | Get Started | button. Fill out the | Create an Account | information or you can sign in using your Microsoft or Facebook account. You will be provided with your Skype name at this time, which Scott will use to contact you. Once you are signed into your account, go to the | Downloads | tab and follow the instructions to download Skype to your computer. Once Skype is downloaded to your computer, open Skype and sign in with your Skype name and password. If you are using a tablet, you will need to download the Skype App and sign in with your Skype name and password. You are now ready to accept the video phone call from Scott. Scott will contact you at your scheduled hypnotherapy session time.
How & when do I pay for my hypnosis sessions?
Session payments are processed via PayPal, USD only. All sessions are $75.00 per clinical hour. Skype sessions can be purchased on our website, just visit this link to our Skype session purchase page to purchase your sessions. Payments should be made after your initial consultation and before your initial hypnotherapy session. A 24 hour notice is required for any cancelations or amendments to your appointment time. Payments will not be refunded unless proper notice is given.
How do I prepare for my session?
Contact Scott as mentioned above to schedule your Skype hypnosis session.
Skype sessions must always be prepaid.
Upon receipt of payment, Scott will e-mail you the intake forms required in order to begin your initial session. Please fill out these forms and either scan back to scott@submindtools.com or fax back to 951-506-4576. Call Scott at 951-501-9325 with any questions.
Please ensure you will not be disturbed during the duration of our session, some tips:
Turn off cell phones and any other phones. Please keep a phone near you (turned off) that can be turned on and used to call Scott back if the Skype session is lost and cannot be reconnected.
Ask family members or co-workers to not disturb you during your session, this may require you to post a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door specifying the time period. Please allow 2 hours for our initial session and 1 hour for any follow-up sessions. It is important that you are not disturbed during the duration of our session except for emergency items. Note: If there are any interruptions from your environment during our session that would cause our session to need to be rescheduled, you will still be held responsible for payment.
Ensure all pets are placed in another room during our session.
Ensure you use the bathroom before our session.
If for any reason we become disconnected during our session, Scott will try to reconnect with you immediately to resume your session. If Scott is not able to reconnect with you, please turn on your phone and call Scott to resume the session by phone. (Don’t worry, you will be given a suggestion before you enter hypnosis that if your session is disconnected and cannot be reconnected that you will instantly and immediately come out of the state of hypnosis to call Scott and resume your session).
Please ensure you are in a comfortable place and well supported. We suggest a recliner; a sturdy and stationary office chair (avoid rolling or swivel type chairs); a comfy couch or lounge chair; or sitting up and well supported in your bed. It is also suggested that you have a blanket, water and tissues within reach.
Once you have secured your location, set up your computer/laptop/tablet facing this area to ensure Scott will be able to see your waist to the top of your head. Please ensure there is ample lighting. Hook up your headphones with microphone or microphone with separate speakers.
Login to your Skype account and wait for Scott to call you at your scheduled appointment time.
Enjoy your session with Scott!! :)